Fiction This

A work of art works because it is true, not because it is real.

The Key is by the Door

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‘Nothing that happens is an isolated event; it only appears to be. The more we judge and label it, the more we isolate it. the wholeness of life becomes fragmented through our thinking. Yet the totality of life has brought this event about. It is part of the web of interconnectedness that is the cosmos.’

I want to try and explain who I am today, because it is not the same human being I was years ago, or even, months ago. It is true that the only constants is change, but for most, change creeps ever closer and wraps itself around you slowly, like ivy around an old house. For me change was a wrecking ball. And it hit me hard. I am left, lying in the rubble that was the life I haphazardly built for myself. Years ago, I was a very sad, beaten down, and angry young girl. I had much of nothing but grief from all sides. I was bullied, and ostracized by my peers. I was an outcast who ate lunch at break every day, completely alone, save for books (Thank God for books!).  For years after tragedy struck in the form of my father’s suicide, my displacement in large extended and very self-involved family and my abuse by a man I thought loved me, I became hard on the outside, and inside I was a mess of soft tissues. However, change had other plans for me. And I like to think that change is God’s way of getting things done. I eventually took all the poison of my past, and transmuted it into gold. Like an alchemist for souls, I wiped my karma clean. First, by facing the demons of my past that have soaked my present in gasoline. I scrubbed my wounds clean by examining the fissures, disinfecting and removing the shrapnel, and with this, figuring out what was wrong inside me. This was a very healing, but agonizing experience. I began to learn to treat myself kindly, although none had treated ME kindly before. Because I was hurt over and over I grew to feel great compassion for the suffering in this world. Blessed are you who loves the ant. Although all happens for a reason (even the darkness of night), I wanted to be a reason for people to smile, for people to have hope (just like the sun rising). I wanted to let people know there was a way to get better. The hardships of life do not need to destroy a person. In fact, for me, they made me the person I am today. They built me up! Strong willed, humorous and loving of all creatures, great and small. Once upon a time, I was a self-mutilator, I chose death and darkness. And I was very sad. I went to rehabilitation centres and psyche wards because my sadness was the bee all and end all of my existence, and I could no longer live that way. In fact, I no longer wanted to live at all. I had no friends, and my family did not understand me at all. I wasn’t a bad person, ever. I was a sensitive soul who loved nature and animals, and always wanted to help. But for a while the darkness took that away from me and I think I was a big brat for a long time. Then… I saw the light. There wasn’t a particular moment that I can remember, but rather a gradual change of perspective and events and people and places. There is a wonderful parable, about a man who travelled for the first time, and had many precious jewels to exchange for food and lodging, but he was a foreigner and could not speak the language of the people in the new country he was in. he wanted to take a boat to his next destination, but every time he tried to get passed the man at the door of the boat and inside, the man stopped him and would not let him pass. He tried to give him rubies so that he could have passage to the boat, but the a\ man said something in a foreign tongue and sent him away. He sat on the dock and watched many people enter the boat. He tried to ask them how they did it but could not understand what they told him. He was desolate. A wise man in the crowd saw him and took pity on him and so went up to him and pointed to a building close by. The man figured that going there would help him get to where he needed to go, and sure enough, at this little building, they sold tickets for the boat. He exchanged his jewels and was given a ticket, and so the man let him pass and he sailed away into the sunset… you see, the answer was right there, only he didn’t know how to find it and therefore thought he would be stuck forever. But with a little wisdom, direction and exchange of goods, he was on his way. Life is like that. My light… It was hidden like flame under a bushel in my heart. And I realised I liked who I was and what I wanted from this world. I could see such beauty in a sunset. The rain sliding down a window was magic. I began to realise God was in all of us and all around. I started to read about light workers and discover how not alone I really was. I opened myself up to the natural world around me, which had not one ounce of the cruelty human beings have. I became a little hermit, and a druid of sorts. My best friends were the trees. And I realised for nature there is no good or evil. There just IS. And so I began to love what IS, and to just BE the light, not force others to shine. I began to feel empathy for those in darkness. And I let myself feel that. I revelled in the human way of loving. For it is a magical gift, to love. And in doing so, in being what I believed in; love and compassion, I brought others to that. In a little ways I showed people how to smile again. And it was a marvellous thing to behold. A miracle. I went out into the world selflessly, and spread my new found wisdom by just being there. I didn’t feel the need to shout or bible bash. I just knew that by being what I believed in, that was enough. By writing, and singing, and painting and reading, I began to feel so much better. I started to look back and understand why I was hurt so. I became grateful for my wounds, because they got me thinking, and feeling, and exploring and probing, I began to discover what I never would have if my eyes had stayed shut. From pain I was shocked into living with my eyes wide open. I was no longer half drunk, half asleep, and therefore I knew that if I could feel this way, after so much tragedy, then so can anyone else. There was hope for humanity. Of course hardship would never cease to exist, for me or anyone else. But through finding light, I found humour, and started taking life with a teaspoon of sugar. I saw that what looked like a frown was a smile upside down. I began to focus my energies elsewhere. I wasn’t afraid of suffering anymore. Been there done that! ‘I looked my demons in the eyes, laid bare my chest, said, DO YOUR BEST, DESTROY ME! You see I have been to hell and back so many times I must admit, you kind of bore me’ I had a way forward, and I had a great and in-depth personal understanding of the way the world and its inhabitants worked. Sometimes it’s ugly, but at least it’s the truth, and I am a firm believer in the truth. And all that is hidden in its depths.

 I started to do yoga, and get into my body, I integrated all I had learnt from my suffering and did the opposite. Instead of hurting myself, now I would hug myself. It took much to make me happy with whom I was, because for years no one had been happy with me. I was too quiet, or too loud, I looked too much like a witch and not enough like everyone around me. I got good grades, I was a quick thinker, I wrote poetry , I was passionate and driven, I chose to surround myself with nature instead of people, I didn’t buy into drama or gossip, and I certainly didn’t want to bully anyone. For a while, I was a victim, and sad for my circumstances, but I shed that skin when I realised with all those traits, I could help others. Maybe in turn, that would help me. I wanted to be my own best friend. I felt like I had a calling, something bigger, and so all the hurt and dirt thrown my way was like training. Sometimes I still get sad because I still live in the same place where all the trouble started, and at times, there still is trouble. The people who bullied me and pushed me out of their circles still live here, and although they wouldn’t dare be mean to me now, I am still very alone, with only books and music and nature as friends. It’s so tight knit here, in such a small town, where no train ever stops and everyone knows everyone’s business. The friends I do have I made when I was a different person. When I was negative. Now I have big dreams and goals and a drive to make right in the world. To be the change I want to see. And so my friends and I don’t see eye to eye anymore, because they are busy partying it up and living off their parents and getting drunk… and it is very sad indeed, because they are all I have left holding me to this place. Sure I have my family, and we love one another very much, and try to support each other as best we possibly can. But so much has gone down, even recently, and we are a strange bunch. So much tragedy has fallen upon us and as much as it is over, there are scars that still remain, and imprints of the sad person I was are still burnt into their hearts. Therefore they do not treat me how I want to be treated. I am still that sick and sad girl, the clumsy, incapable little thing who is just ‘getting better’ and ‘doing so well’, they feel sorry for me. They feel sad that I don’t have friends, so they don’t want to leave me alone on weekends, and it makes me feel a little pathetic in their eyes. I can never just be; I always have to prove to them I am okay now. It makes me feel like a robot. I am always watchful of my emotions; i can never just BE when I am around them. I have to smile. Reassure. I love them so much that most of the time I don’t mind. But it is time for the wrecking ball of change to knock me off my feet and into a new place, where I am not under constant and unnecessary surveillance. If ii have a sad day, my mom wants me to take pills or see someone and she always wants to fix it that way. So I can never be sad around my family because they make me feel guilty for being so sad once upon a time. I know I put them through hell, unintentionally, when I wanted to kill myself those many years ago, but I hate how they walk on eggshells around me, or believe that I can’t get things done on my own, even though I have been showing them over and over that I can, and have. I don’t feel like her, the girl they remember, the one that traumatised them into acting this way, like I am a reformed mental patient. Which I suppose is what I am. But I needed to be that so that I can be this. I don’t feel like I have demons following me anymore, I don’t feel like a person who would have been bullied, or allowed a person to abuse me. I feel strong and self-confident and brave now. I feel beautiful and I know who I am. I feel KIND. But before I was so wrapped up in my pain, I don’t think I was very kind to anyone, especially myself. So there are still ghosts that haunt me here. And it is getting frustrating. I cannot convince people I am different, and that I can barely remember the past in the same way. I worked so hard to transmute it and make it something that picked me up. People are so surprised by this that they can barely believe it. So they try to push my buttons, or give me advice or make out that I am still insane. Why now? I barely ever see any of them anymore. I feel innocent in my soul, but perhaps because they are tainted by the impure thoughts they hold, they cannot see me for what I am. They cannot see the wood for the trees. I have grown so tall; I hurt my back to bend down and pretend to have things in common with these people. So now, I have dropped them, and that feels crazy for me too. To drop the only people who would still call me their friends. But what sort of friendship is it if they cannot accept me for who I am? I don’t know if I am expressing this all correctly. It’s so hard to put it into perspective, logically. Because this isn’t a logical thing. Miracles aren’t set in logic. They are made of much more fluid stuff. It is almost magic how different I am. Don’t get me wrong. I am STILL EXACTLY THE SAME. I am still me; I still feel the same things. I just don’t have that dirt piled on high anymore. I am me without the pain. And so I am who I was meant to be, always, who I am because of the pain and despite it. I changed but stayed exactly the same. Basically, I am more like my soul now than I ever was. I feel upright and clean and so this part of the world, which runs high with my past poisons, is no longer the place for me. I am not running away per say, as I have tried to right the wrongs and find people who are like minded. And in most ways I have succeeded, but in regards to people, I still haven’t found my pack. As I said, everyone knows everyone here and there is no way around that fact. I’m still the girl who got set on fire at school by the mean girls here. But to me, I am not that girl anymore. So I am making plans to leave this place, and to take on my real self fully. It is strange that I feel like I can only do that fully in a whole different country. But maybe it isn’t so strange. Maybe god has given me a second chance, because I deserve it. A second chance to be happy and put one foot in front of the other on a path that won’t hurt my feet. I am going into the world to be kind… to be light. And I am proud. I am proud of all I have endured to get to the point where I can be brave enough to throw it all away literally. I have already done it figuratively, which is why it’s so hard to be here still. It’s the reason I get so down sometimes. Because I have no one really to talk to about how I see the world, because what I see, I feel, needs to be shared. It needs to be felt. That there is hope, and beauty and everything is unfolding as it should. Hope has been a huge part of my life. Hope and faith. Mostly, I have faith in myself, and in the universe. Sometimes I have faith in humanity. But it’s hard to keep that flame alive in this place. Where it isn’t safe, where I am alone when I know I should have friends, and fun. I know I am meant to be light hearted and go to parties and laugh. I manage to do it here, often, but often I am by myself, and it reminds me of the past, where I was a bullied little girl, frightened and terribly alone. I don’t deserve to be that anymore. I have done good for this world. In helping others and also by helping myself. Perhaps especially by loving myself.

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